Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Five!!

Hmmmmmmmm, my mind seems a bit obsessed with food this morning. Perhaps figuring out my weekly menu and shopping list as well as reading my fav blogs and attempting to finally pull together my own blog post (although I am quite the chatter, putting together a daily update is proving to be extremely difficult) is what's keeping food at the foreground of my mind.

Remember, all who reply will be tossed into a bucket (your name that is) and the winner will receive a special surprise from me. YaY!! Free stuff!!
So, give it a whirl!!

1. Do you menu for the week or cook whatever you feel that day?

2. Do peas belong in a 'mornay'>
(borrowed that q from Chantelle over at fat mum slim. You MUST go visit her blog, it's very cool and very fun!)

3. What is your fav 'go-to' dish?

4. Are you an 'adventurer', always trying new recipes or are you more of a comfort cooker?

5. What is your favorite 'Food Network' show?

Yes, that gorgeous little girl eating her peas is my amazing granddaughter Haley. How cute is that child? She looks so much like me...
but we're hoping she grows out of that!

Remember to stop by Wednesday for my newest weekly installment of 'What's For Dinner Wednesdays' were we all get to share our favorite recipes!! So cool, plus, anyone who shares has a chance to win a fun gift!! YaY!! MORE FREE STUFF!!
So, come on back by, I'll be looking for you!

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